Nephrurus levis
Medium: Colored Pencil on Coquille


Varanus komodoensis


This is a gouache painting created for the New Jersey Chapter of the Nature Conservancy’s 4th annual Nature Nosh event. This illustration depicts aquatic wildlife in a stream snaking through the hilly countryside in Sussex county. This painting was inspired by the landscape near my grandparents home in Hamburg, NJ.

Spotted Turtles, one of my favorite turtles, are a species of Special Concern in New Jersey. I spend a lot of time walking in the NJ Pine Barrens, often trekking through abandon cranberry bogs. NJ is one of the top three states in cranberry production, with a deep history in cranberry cultivation! Many of these abandon bogs provide great habitat for a diversity of turtles, including spotted turtles. For the New Jersey Chapter of The Nature Conservancy’s annual Nature Nosh Event, I wanted to create a painting that includes one of my favorite turtles and highlights the rich hues these historic NJ berries contain.



This is a banner style illustration depicting native Maryland pollinators and wildflowers. This image was produced for an article by the Nature Conservancy.


Nephrurus levis
Medium: Colored Pencil on Coquille
Varanus komodoensis
This is a gouache painting created for the New Jersey Chapter of the Nature Conservancy’s 4th annual Nature Nosh event. This illustration depicts aquatic wildlife in a stream snaking through the hilly countryside in Sussex county. This painting was inspired by the landscape near my grandparents home in Hamburg, NJ.
Spotted Turtles, one of my favorite turtles, are a species of Special Concern in New Jersey. I spend a lot of time walking in the NJ Pine Barrens, often trekking through abandon cranberry bogs. NJ is one of the top three states in cranberry production, with a deep history in cranberry cultivation! Many of these abandon bogs provide great habitat for a diversity of turtles, including spotted turtles. For the New Jersey Chapter of The Nature Conservancy’s annual Nature Nosh Event, I wanted to create a painting that includes one of my favorite turtles and highlights the rich hues these historic NJ berries contain.
This is a banner style illustration depicting native Maryland pollinators and wildflowers. This image was produced for an article by the Nature Conservancy.